YEE-HAH! Ralph Lauren For President!

A Ralph Lauren Wedding


If I ever said anything bad about the Ralph Lauren Big Pony fragrances, let’s just call it water under the bridge, shall we?  OK?

You see, Ralph & Co. just bought their way back into my heart with the amazing Western-inspired fashions from his son’s wedding.  No fashion-loving perfumisto could possibly sit in his log cabin with a gun over the fireplace and not get positively giddy over the pictures from the wedding of Lauren Bush and David Lauren.

Take a look.

Yes, I’ll say it.  I love American designers, if only because their fashions speak to me.  I just bought two pairs of Ralph Lauren slacks – the good ones – because I emptied a black permanent marker into the back pocket of a previous pair.  And you know what?  That ruined pair STILL looks better than any of my other slacks.  I simply can’t bear to throw them out.  It’s not because I can’t afford to, and it’s not because I’m a cheapskate – it’s because they are still undoubtedly the best pair of slacks that I have owned in YEARS.  Good grief – they simply don’t deserve to go in the trash.  Maybe I’ll have a bonfire or something.

ANYWAY.  Ralph Lauren just gets Western.  Take a look at his log cabin:

Ralph Lauren's Log Cabin.  O.M.G.

Ralph Lauren's Log Cabin. O.M.G.

Sorry for stealing these photos.  They haven’t passed that ridiculous law yet, so I guess I’m not going to jail.  Well, whatever.  Like people read this blog or something.

Yes, it’s a bit over the top.  At the very least, it dwarfs my cabin.  I think he’s got more chairs of one type in that room than I have chairs in my whole house.  And the antlers are a bit much, too.  But he has an Indian blanket, an American flag, and plenty of rock.  That’s it.  My kinda cabin.  How do we get Ralph Lauren on the ballot?

And check out his daughter’s wedding dress…

Dylan Lauren's Wedding Gown

Dylan Lauren's Wedding Gown - Ralph's Design w/ Vera's Advice

O.M.G.  Vera – let’s just say that for helping Ralph with this work of art, you are SO back in good graces from your previous state of fragrance felony, for not having followed up your not-shabby debut masculine fragrance with something ….. like….. maybe a parfum version, adjusted to current tastes?  I’m sure you’ll think of something.  How about a “Prince” line?  That would be fun!  I would buy “Rock Prince” in a heartbeat!

Anyway, I just have to say that I’m excited by these pictures from RL’s little family shindig.  Hope is definitely NOT lost that yet another iconic fragrance could come from what I consider to be the most truly authentic American fashion house.

Maybe somebody can suggest to Ralph that David REALLY needs a nice masculine fragrance.  One that begs comparison with the über-classic Polo green.  ‘Cause there is NO WAY you’re gonna tell me now that he doesn’t have it in him.

But still, let’s start small.

Big Pony EDPs or full perfumes?  Maybe in a four-set wooden presentation box?

C’mon!  You can do it!

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